Barn Owl Management Plan. This publication discusses management of habitat to promote owl Abandoned fields, pastures, and marsh areas; Benefits from openings and nest boxes. Barn owls are cinnamon and gray above, white to buffy below, with small black spots; legs long and eyes dark.
Owls play an important role in the balance of forest and open land environments. If you are looking for general Barn Owl information, nestbox plans etc, please visit our website. It has a large, white, heart-shaped face, edged in brown, with contrasting dark eyes and a pale bill.
Its appearance is very different from other owls, as well.
The barn owl (Tyto alba) is the most widely distributed species of owl in the world and one of the most widespread of all species of birds.
A family of barn owls can. The barn owl (Tyto alba) is the least common species of owl that breeds in Florida. Barn owl, any of several species of nocturnal birds of prey of the genus Tyto (family Tytonidae).